If you are not from the UK but require support for this abuse we would recommend that you report what is happening to the police, if it is safe to do so and you may find another organisation in your country below to provide you with support.
Campaign and notes on digital gender violence
Website: https://farodigital.org/notas-sobre-violencia-de-genero-digital/.
SaferNet is an NGO that runs the Safer Internet Centre in Brazil, which offers a web-based helpline to support victims of online violence.
Website: https://new.safernet.org.br/.
Helpline: https://new.safernet.org.br/helpline.
Contact via webform or webchat.
The guide for cyberbrigade members to support actions against digital violence against women
Website: https://internetbolivia.org/actividades/guia-para-ciberbrigadistas/
A multi-service organisation supporting women and girls against violence and human rights violations.
Website: ywcacanada.ca/en
Guide on sexual image-based abuse: ywcacanada.ca/guide-on-sexual-image-based-abuse/
Helpline supporting women and LGBT+ people experiencing stress, trauma, crisis, burnout, and/or gender-based violence.
Website: https://vita-activa.org/
Provide information on their ‘No agreements, No nudes’ campaign for prevention, emphasizing sexting as a rights practice.
Website: cultivandogeneroac.wixsite.com
A space for women, dissidents, diversities, and activists who resist gender violence on the internet.
Revenge Porn Helpline
ACSVAW is a non-government charitable organisation that works to raise awareness of sexual violence against women and promotes a gender equal environment. The Rain Lily sexual violence crisis centre provides a hotline and online support.
Website: rainlily.org.hk
Rain Lily Hotline: 2375-5322
Provides mental health and legal support to victims of bullying and abuse in Indonesia.
Website: https://bullyid.org/
SAWA is a Palestinian, non-profit civil society organization that offers a helpline to support women who are victims of sexual exploitation, including cyber exploitation.
Website: https://sawa.ps/
SAWA’s Ramallah number is +972 2 2418100
Jerusalem phone number: +972 2 534122.
A partnership with Bengaluru City Police led by Mrs Rani Shetty, they provide support and advice for people who have had intimate images shared without their consent.
Website: www.bcpparihar.org/about-us
Phone: 080 22943225 or 22943224
Email: pariharfcc.vsv@gmail.com
Handle reports from the public regarding illegal content and harmful content on the internet that could lead users to become the victims of crime.
Website: www.saferinternet.or.jp
Contact via web form: www.saferinternet.or.jp/form
A helpline for victims of online harassment and violence in Pakistan. The Helpline provides free and confidential legal advice, digital security support, psychological counselling and a referral system to victims of online harassment. The Helpline will provide a judgment-free, private and gender-sensitive environment for all its callers.
Website: www.digitalrightsfoundation.pk/cyber-harassment-helpline
Phone: 0800 39393
Email: helpdesk@digitalrightsfoundation.pk
Provides research and advocacy, education and training, and support services.
Website: https://www.aware.org.sg/
Supports cyber sexual violence victims through counselling support, video deletion support, investigation, legal support, and psychotherapy support. They also provide education and lecture activities and campaigns to solve sexual violence problems in cyberspace.
Website: www.cyber-lion.com
Phone: (+82) 02-817-7959
Email: hotline@cyber-lion.com
Focus on women and have recently supported victims who have intimate sexual images shared without consent.
Website: advocacy3.wixsite.com/twrf-antirevengeporn/about-us
Phone: +886-2-2555-8595
Email: advocacy@twrf.org.tw
They are a channel for receiving notifications of illegal/dangerous content from internet users.
Website: https://thaihotline.org/
Support all Australians who have experienced image-based abuse. They provide reporting options, support and resources for victims, their family and friends, and bystanders.
Website: www.esafety.gov.au/image-based-abuse
Support: www.esafety.gov.au/image-based-abuse/support
Report: www.esafety.gov.au/image-based-abuse/action/remove-images-video/report-to-us
Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre
The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) provides crisis counselling and legal, medical and other practical support services for women and children who are sufferers and survivors of violence committed against them by men.
Website: www.fijiwomen.com
An organisation focused on online safety. They help people stay safe online by providing online safety education, advice and support. They can provide information and advice about using digital technology safely, and about managing online challenges like online harassment, bullying abuse and scams. Offer help and support for victims of image based abuse.
Website: www.netsafe.org.nz/image-based-abuse
Phone: 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723)
Text: 4282
Email: help@netsafe.org.nz
Report: www.netsafe.org.nz/report
Website: https://www.genderandjustice.org/
Website: https://mrawomen.ma/
Cyber Rights Organisation
Support victims of online threats, abuses and crimes in Europe. The CRO Helpline is operated by lawyers and IT technicians able to provide assistance on a case-by-case basis.
Website: cyberights.org/what-we-do/
Website: https://www.saferinternet.at/faq/problematische-inhalte/was-sind-rachepornos/
Website: https://igvm-iefh.belgium.be/en
Website: https://www.cyberwiser.eu/cyprus-cy
Website: https://www.bkb.cz/
Free and confidential counselling for anyone over the age of 18 who is exposed to digital infringement.
Provide information on Sextortion (webcam blackmail) and intimate image abuse.
The organisation is intended for women of all ages who are experiencing violence or are worried about violence, they offer help and support for women experiencing digital violence.
Website: www.naistenlinja.fi
Digital violence information: www.naistenlinja.fi/tietoa-vakivallasta/vakivallan-muodot/digitaalinenvakivalta
Phone: 0800 02400
Web form: www.naistenlinja.fi/palvelut/kysymys-vastaus
A French government website explaining the legal rights an individual has to his or her image, as well as pathways to request the removal of an image.
Website: service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F32103
En avant tout (s) acts for gender equality and an end to violence against women and LGBTQI + people.
Website: enavanttoutes.fr
A nationwide advice service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence.
Website: https://www.hilfetelefon.de/en.html
Stígamót is a counselling and education center that works against sexual violence.
Bjarkarhlíð is a center for victims of violence. Bjarkarhlíð’s goal is to provide support and counselling.
PermessoNegato APS is a social promotion non-profit that deals with the technological support to the victims of Non-Consensual Pornography and online violence and hate attacks.
Website: www.permessonegato.it
Website: https://pulizija.gov.mt/en/police-force/police-sections/Pages/Cyber-Crime-Unit.aspx
Website: http://cdf.md/eng
Website: https://apav.pt/
Website: https://www.helpwanted.nl/
Website: https://slettmeg.no/
Website: https://incydent.cert.pl/
Women’s Aid works to stop domestic violence in Ireland. They operate the 24hr National Freephone Helpline and a number of Dublin based face-face services.
Website: womensaid.ie
Irish national centre combatting illegal content online including intimate image abuse. They support with the removal of private sexual content which has been shared online without consent.
Website: hotline.ie
Website: https://soprotivlenie.org/
Website: http://www.kliknibezbedno.rs/
Website: https://stopline.sk/sk/uvod/
Website: https://www.varninainternetu.si/
Website: https://www.osi.es/es/contacto
Website: https://report.ncsc.gov.uk/
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